“Whitaker is a talented storyteller who blends blunt honesty with heartfelt compassion.”

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Kirkus Reviews

“This book is an inspiration to THRIVING and Surviving through the hard things that life throws at us, some of our own making, some that come from what seem totally out of the blue.  Whatever the case, what we do with our challenges truly defines our character and determines our future. A well worthwhile read that I can personally recommend, having seen a lot of it in Kay’s personal life experience.”

—DONALD CROSBIE, CEO, CFO, Church Pastor/Minister, Counsellor, Mentor, Life Coach, World traveler to over 80 countries, Dallas, Texas

 “Many times we are not aware of the tragic situations people experience, especially if by all appearances everything seems great: great parents, nice house in the suburbs, golf outings and dinner at the club. This is the backdrop of Kay Whitaker’s book, Flourish Because. I could pick several adjectives to describe my feelings after reading her autobiography. The first that come to mind are intriguing, sad, but also inspirational. I’m sure others will have similar feelings with the most prominent being her courage in sharing her story.”

—DAN ADAMS, Accredited writer for the documentary film “Duality – A Graffiti”

I have seen the power of God work in and through the life of Kay Whitaker Nelson. She was maid of honor in my wedding on May 30, 1973, and instrumental in leading my late wife of forty-four years, Janice, who was Kay’s best friend and college roommate, to the Lord in the fall of 1972. We saw the sovereign hand of God upon her, as she journeyed through life’s ups and downs. Kay’s life is a story that needed to be told. It will bring hope to anyone who reads it. Janice and I lived this book with Kay and played a part in seeing her fall back into the loving arms of our Savior. This is a book about real life, written by a woman after God’s own heart. You will be blessed!

—Josh Huffman, Senior National Sales Director, PRIMERICA, Dallas, Texas

“Kay Whitaker is an example of perseverance and strength. I encouraged Kay many years ago to write her story and put it on paper. She did, and we are all blessed and strengthened by her testimony of God’s love and mercy.”

—Gary Crawford, Retired Funeral Director and Funeral Homeowner, Our Crawford Family of Funeral service for 109 years, Ft. Worth, Texas

Oprah needs to read this book!

“I loved everything about Flourish Because!  From the trials and tribulations of marriages, raising children, the death of a child, the humorous stories, and how God’s love was unwavering in every aspect of Kay’s life.  Read and enjoy this beautiful, heartwarming book.” 

—ROSIE KARTALIS, 5.0 out of 5 starsTop Reader Review from the United States,

 Must-read inspirational life story

“We have all had times in our lives when we feel we are up against insurmountable odds. How we respond to those circumstances determines our future. Time and time again Kay was faced with situations where you can make a choice. She always chose to move forward, and she was able to do this because of her unwavering faith that Jesus is always there for us. I have known Kay for a long time and thought I knew her well, but this deeply personal story opened my eyes to what a person can overcome in life. It’s an inspirational read that everyone can relate too.”

—Sharon Horton, 5.0 out of 5 stars
Top Reader Review from the United States, 

Beautiful story of love, life, and redemption

“It lets you know that God wants to write a beautiful story for everyone. Kay lets you know that you can be comforted with the comfort God gave her thru some of her most painful trials…God is faithful!”

—HARLOTTE CRAWFORD, 5.0 out of 5 stars
Top Reader Review from the United States,


“Highly recommend this book for young woman. After reading, I’ve found myself with a brighter perspective.”

—MARCELLA HALLMAN, 5.0 out of 5 stars
 Top Reader Review from the United States,

Good read!

“I thought I wouldn’t gain anything out of this, but it turns out the author and I had a lot in common, and I finished this book feeling encouraged and inspired.”

—JACKIE SEPULVEDA, 5.0 out of 5 stars
 Top Reader Review from the United States,


“Absolutely captivating! Her memoir will help many others and uplift those who need it.”

—DIABLO LEYVA, 5.0 out of 5 stars
 Top Reader Review from the United States,

Flourishing Because!

“Awesome moving book. A story of life’s struggles, all a part of Kay’s journey. All used by God. Only God can FLOURISH us on our journey! Very real story and moving and uplifting!”

—SANDY SHERMAN, 5.0 out of 5 Stars; Top reader review,

A memoir that offers hope and encouragement to fellow women who have faced heartbreaking trials

“I bought and sent a copy to a friend I knew would appreciate the promise of healing and flourishing despite her trials. Well written and full of hope.”

—NCE, 5.0 out of 5 Stars; Top reader review,

“Kay’s story is truly one of brokenness, sadness, deliverance, and redemption. Through the valley of the shadow of death she has traveled, shaken but not undone, overwhelmed but not cast down. As we’ve sat with her in the depths of despair over the loss of a child God has shown His faithfulness to her and she stands flourishing today because of a faithful creator who promised to never leave or forsake her. Join her in her journey of unthinkable heartbreak and Joy because Jesus lives.”

—Ed and Susan Jarrett, Dallas Homebuilder, TCU supporter and friend, Dallas, Texas